Thursday, November 29, 2007

Been there done that

Surfer Bob begged off of going to New York again. Figured he'd been enough and seen everything. Big mistake!
The colors in Central Park were beautiful. The weather on Thanksgiving was perfect. Much better than snow flurries in FT Worth. Perfect day to view the Macy's Parade. What a once in a lifetime experience especially since it wasn't raining and/or freezing. On Black Friday we visited one of Bob's old haunts, the Museum of Modern Art, instead of fighting the masses of humanity on 5th Ave. Too bad, Bob.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

East coast West coast Bob was there.

Bone Marrow Bob was in Anaheim for a meeting while California was burning. This is one of the San Diego fires.
Later that same week BMB was back on the West Coast to deliver marrow to the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center. The weather was beautiful as were the fall colors.
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Bone marrow Bob was a busy dude in October. First he was back in New Jersey. New Jersey, as we all know, is not that picturesque especially where Bob goes. So Bob had his Jersey picture taken with a brilliant doctor, Dr Bernadette Cracchiolo, a dear friend from another lifetime.

While on the east coast Surfer Bob visited that distinguished school of higher learning, Columbia University.

Did you ever wonder what your weight on the sun is? Posted by Picasa From East coast to West coast. Surfer Bob has always wanted to say "I'm going to Disneyland"