Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Bob spends quality time in the Big Apple

Surfer Bob , he's cool , he's suave, he did what every red blooded cool, suave, surfer boy does while in New York... has his picture taken by the Playboy sign. It's true. Everyone can eat your heart out because he WAS there picking up his date. It's true, just not a bunny. A reporter. That's why you read the magazine right? For the articles.

His raison d'etre for being in New York was to witness his date, Callie, graduate from Columbia . It was quite a ceremony. "Pomp and Circumstance" played for 45 minutes while the students marched in. Luckily the mix on the PA was outstanding while all the families waited for the show to begin and the playing of "New York, New York " by ole Blue eyes himself was, although not a stroke of genius , a perfect ending to such a classy event.

Surfer Bob visited many of his old haunts while in the Big Apple. He couldn't resist being seen with the Airstream, his favorite mode of transportation, at MOMA. The valentine at the top of the page is a Jeff Koons sculpture at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Don't miss it if you go to NYC this summer.

As usual Surfer Bob ate well - best hot dog, Greys Papaya. Saw a show - "Cry Baby" and went to some awesome bars- La Quinta rooftop.