Sunday, June 17, 2007

Hackensack in June

Barely having time to breathe, Bone Marrow Bob was back on the East Coast. I couldn't find a good picture of Hackensack but I did learn that Hackensack is Soprano country. The Medical Center was auctioning off this signed Harley-Davidson.
What a nice custom paint job. The Badda Bing Club(Satin Dolls) is just down the street from the Holiday Inn Hasbrouck Heights. They offer free shuttle service.
Now if I may vent a little.... the Hackensack University Medical Center is supposed to be one of the 50 best hospitals in the country. I don't know about the care they give. I hope the transplant doctors are among the best but the facility is gross! In the cancer wing the public toilet was stopped up and there was no soap. The furniture in the lobby had seen better days. If you live in the area and have a choice, you might consider crossing the river and going to Sloan-Kettering.

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