Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Ok I'm too stupid to know how to show comments(but I'm working on it) so I will tell you. The comment has been made the Dr Confer looks a bit like Mr Bean. Discussion??
Stay tuned because Bob is most excited for his first courier trip. He will be touching down in Toulouse France on Friday. Updates will probably appear on Tuesday. Pyay for NO rain.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Bone Marrow Bob goes to Keystone

Surfer Bob went to Keystone last weekend for a very important conference, the BMT Tandem Meetings. This is an annual event that draws over 1500 bone marrow transplant docs from all over the world. Symposiums are held on the latest advances in transplant and post transplant research. Bob was there specifically to help give the award to the new Alaina J Enlow Scholar. To find out more about this young investigator and her research, you will have to go to Alaina's page(see sidebar). Surfer Bob, being the popular guy that he is, was busy hob -nobbing with these life savers but he still found time to do a little snow boarding.
Dr Gretchen Eames enjoyed a relaxing dinner with Surfer Bob. Bob, on the other hand, never relaxes. He's always ready for the next big wave.

Dr Mari Dallas(love that name) is the new Alaina J Enlow Scholar. She couldn't keep her hands off of Bob.

Here is Dr Dennis Confer, CMO for the National Marrow Donor Program bustin a move with Bob.

These two brilliant doctors, Marcel van den Brink and Ken Cooke, couldn't wait to get there picture taken Surfer Bob.

NMDP CEO Dr Jeff Chell was envious of Bob's naturally long, blond hair. Unfortunately the pic is a little burry and i didn't realize it until after the fact. He was so engrossed in conversation with Callie that I didn't dare interrrupt them for another shot

Monday, February 12, 2007

For relaxing after snowboarding and shmoozing, Surfer Bob enjoyed chillin' at Eric's in Breckenridge playing pinball.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

What do you think?

So I had a little help with my blog. Apparently I don't know as much as I thought I did. You can now post comments and i encourage you to do so. Bob is getting out his thermal wet suit in preparation for Colorado this weekend. He's meeting some VIPs . Be sure and check in next week for the latest update.

Friday, February 2, 2007

favorite wave

I don't know how i took this picture but I like it.
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