Monday, October 8, 2007

Bob was sighted lately on the Circle of Life Bike Tour, an awsome bike ride that raises awareness for blood ,tissue, marrow, and transplant donation. You have to experience it to really get the full impact. John rode one day, from Tyler to Dallas. It was a beautiful day and Bone Marrow Bob was the unofficial mascot.

Chic-fil-A donated a high carb, fat filled breakfast before taking off. Love the car!
Joe Canel rode for Alaina. What cute ass.
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BMB goes to City of Hope

BMB could not wait to get back on the west coast. While there he had his driver stop at the In and Out. You can get pretty hungry on the courier runs. The light really captures the drivers left ear. I don't know how to photo shop that out.

Once I got to City of Hope in Duarte, CA I had to change limos. Here is my experienced driver telling the newbie how to get back to the airport. He's also giving him the lowdown on the In and Out stop. Nice!
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Monday, October 1, 2007

This just in about the previous post. In answer to my question, try :

Bone marrow bob took the summer off to find new digs and take the great American road trip. That's right my friends, from Denton Texas all the way to Gig Harbour Washington.

There is plenty of big sky out there. Our adventure started out long and boring through Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas and Colorado. The second day we hit the Frontier Days in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Lots of campers and cowboys. Bob was fascinated by the antler archway in Jackson Hole. Finally destination was reached with a scenic view of Mount Rainier off the back porch. Before reaching Washington we had one more stop to make in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. If you've read much of this blog you know Surfer Bob likes the Flamingo Hotel. Therefore, he couldn't resist staying at the Flamingo Motel. A true blue motor lodge equipped with everything the weary traveler needs, including magic fingers that really work. At least inflation has not hit the fingers. What a bargain for 2 bits.

Who the hell is Sandy Kastel?

Over the summer I came to the conclusion that people who blog have way too much time on their hands. However, sometimes you just gotta get it out there. If anyone has ever heard of Sandy Kastel please write in. She will do anything for a photo op including having her picture taken with Surfer Bob. Is she the Wild Child?
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