Thursday, March 22, 2007

Bone Marrow Bob went to visit his new friend Dr Dallas at Fred Hutchison Cancer Research Center in Seattle last weekend. Here he is inspecting the stem cells that Dr Dallas is manipulating to grow in the petri dishes. * These are cord blood cells and there is nothing controversial about this work. On the contrary, the research is in phase one trials with a good prognosis. Go to Alaina's page on the sidebar to learn more.
At "The Hutch" Bob got up close and personal with Dr Thomas' Nobel Prize. Dr Donnall Thomas was the inventor of bone marrow transplants. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1990 eventhough the first transplant was in the late 50s. In the late 80s the first unrelated transplant was performed in Seattle by Dr John Hansen. Bone Marrow Bob stayed out of sight and in awe while introductions were made all around. Hence, no photo op but..............................

Dr Dallas couldn't resist taking our picture with Bob as close as we will ever get to a Nobel Prize.

It was a beautiful day in Seattle.

(if you click on the pictures you can actually see Mt Rainier. Admit it how many of you have seen Mount Rainier on a clear day. You can also click on Dr Thomas' plaque and read the fine print. Ah ha)Posted by Picasa

Saturday, March 3, 2007

I really like this one.

Friday, March 2, 2007

Surfer Bob goes for a ride.
Can you find Bob?
So Bob was thrilled with his first courier trip. It was hard to choose which pictures to publish. Above are a couple of artsy collages. When you can't make up your mind throw them all together, sort of like when you don't know what to make for dinner so you throw everything in your fridge in a pot. If you are familar with blogs (ha, I know you're not) you know that it publishes posts from first to last. I can't think backwards so I started my Toulouse post from the bottom. Never mind if this doesn't make sense. The point is ...start at the bottom of the post and scroll up. Got it?

Bone Marrow Bob goes to Toulouse

What do you do with only 2 days in Toulouse?

When its sunny, you go to the park and try to hop a ride on the carousel. When its rainy, go to the museaums. There are plenty to choose from. This is the Musee des Augustins.

Now that he is officially on vacation, BMB morphs back into Surfer Bob, surfing the streets and brasseries. He couldn't resist the flaming creme brulee, one of the many gastromic delights found in France. (The wine is pretty good too.)

Bone Marrow Bob is on the job. Here he is at Gatwick waiting for his flight to Toulouse.
First thing first, he delivers the goods and goes to find a cafe on the Place de Capitole in front of his hotel to watch the world go by.