Thursday, June 14, 2012

the courier trip from hell

Every once and a while you encounter a bad trip. Its bound to happen, like a sore tooth or getting pick pocketed(another story but fortunately BMB doesn't have pockets in his suit).  So a one day turn around trip to Houston, in by 1:30 home by5:30, turned into a 12 hour nightmare. Flight home was delayed and involved several hours in Bush International where American Airlines is a blip in the the terminal(i.e. few food, bars and conveniences). Everything shuts down by 8:00pm. Fine, get home and wait on the tarmac for 3 hours for a gate. No food or water. Finally around 1:00am they passed out granola bars and a cup of water. What about those cookies in first class, not to mention the booze they must have on board. Then again, that is a non issue since Bob doesn't drink when on the job. Thanks to Patty, my favorite lab rat, for giving me a smile through the rain.Next time Bone Marrow Bob will get a hotel room!

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